Chapter Fifty-Four

Book:The Cheryl Series Published:2024-5-1

While Stoner was manhandling the young woman, his third wife was kneeling on her bed in the wives’ dormitory. Her breasts were crushed onto her knees, her back arched, presenting her rear passage to Stoner’s slave-master. Jeremiah had the right to use Stoner’s wives. Stoner enjoyed the thought of these helpless white women being subject to the penetration of Jeremiah’s long, thick, black dick. It increased their subservience and kept them in practice when he was away or otherwise engaged.
Jeremiah was stroking his rigid cock slowly along the avenue of Mary’s bowels. His heavy hands gripped her hips as he plunged deeply inside and then drew himself back. Kneeling behind the moaning whore, he pressed his flesh against hers. He was a patient man who reveled in his pleasures. He enjoyed his mastery of his lord’s white bitches. He knew that his slow, methodical degradation of these women intensified their self-loathing and accentuated his command over them. He used, but did not need, the whip to enforce his will on them. Knowing that at any time he could press his manhood deep into their throats, could savage their nether regions, could fill their cunts with his hot, black meat rendered them pliant and obedient.
Just as Cheryl was about to reach the peak of her passion, Stoner stepped away from her. He watched her legs press together in frustration, heard her moan in disappointment. “Maybe later, cunt,” he said. “First you have to do a little dance for me. I’ll give you some more time to think about it.”
Stoner disrobed quickly. He advanced to a credenza along the wall and pulled out a bottle of scotch. He poured himself three fingers and gulped some of it down. It burned in his throat. He rang for a servant. A short, thin, black minion responded. He was dressed in a ruffled white shirt and black pants.
“You called for me, My Lord?”
“Yes, I want you to select a long thin crop from my cabinet. When I tell you to, I want you to beat this whore’s tits, slow and hard.”
“Yes, My Lord,” the obsequious man replied.
Stoner’s mad behavior was legend among his staff. Who else but a white man would parade his wives around the house naked or nearly so, fuck them in full view of whoever happened to pass by? But as much as they despised their overlord, the servants feared him. His word was law.
Stoner entered the luxurious bathroom that serviced his bedroom. His bladder was set to burst and he took a long time emptying it. While he did so, his wives and servant awaited his pleasure. The servant gazed longingly over Cheryl’s naked flesh. Cheryl, ashamed of her nudity, her helplessness, averted her eyes from him. She knew this man. She had sucked his cock.
It was part of Jeremiah’s private revenge against the white man that he served that, whenever Stoner was away, he made his wives available to the servants of the house and the officers from Stoner’s private army. He was careful not to let it get out of hand and rationed the women cautiously. This servant had spent three months of his meager wages for the privilege of having his tool massaged by Cheryl’s well trained mouth. He might not ever get another opportunity. But he did have the occasional pleasure of beating her or one of the others. And he got more than an occasional look at their nubile forms. He anticipated his administration of the crop to Cheryl’s flesh with great relish.
When Stoner emerged from the bathroom, he went directly to the side of the bed where Justine’s head and mouth waited expectantly. He sat next to her and leaned over, caressing her pert breasts. He ran his hand over her stomach and between her legs. Justine’s body was tense, rigid with apprehension. When Stoner seized her labia, squeezing them sharply, she stiffened and let out a quiet gasp. Stoner watched her face as he pressed harder and harder. Justine squirmed at the painful compression of her tender lips. Her legs, suspended in the air, flailed uselessly. When Stoner was satisfied that he had her whole attention, he released his grip and stood, placing Justine’s head between his thighs. His cock was hardening in anticipation of its pleasure. He rubbed the still flaccid meat over Justine’s face.
“Are you ready for my cock, slut?” he asked her tauntingly. Justine answered him by seizing the appendage with her lips. She massaged it gently and swirled her tongue over it, caressing the underside of the bulbous head. Stoner allowed his slut-wife to pleasure him. He felt his tool stretch and fill with blood. He rested his hands on Justine’s breasts, twisting the nipples harshly. Justine moaned with pain, but did not break stride in her attention to her master’s cock. His leathery sac rested on her face.
“Suck my balls, cunt,” Stoner commanded. He pulled his cock from the artful mouth and leaned forward so that his scrotum was presented properly for Justine’s attentions. The blonde French girl opened her mouth and sucked the hairy bag into her mouth.
Stoner gasped with pleasure. The warmth of the obedient mouth spread through his loins. He looked up at Cheryl and the attentive servant. “Whip her tits!” he commanded, his passion evident in his voice. “Whip them slow and hard!”
The servant needed no further encouragement. He swung the long, hard crop and landed a fierce blow directly across the pair of tender, white breasts. The crop indented the flesh where it struck. Cheryl cried out in pain, “Ohhhhhhh!” The crop left a line of red where it had fallen.
The servant waited a few moments and struck again. “Ohhhhhhhh!” Cheryl moaned, the painful sensations traveling like electricity through her.
Stoner’s lust was upon him now and he craved Justine’s lips and tongue on his meat. He pulled his testicles from her mouth and replaced it with his rigid pole. Justine’s lips and tongue welcomed it and he moaned loudly.
Smack! Another blow fell on Cheryl’s tits. The pain made the woman sway and twist in her chains. Stoner watched intently, relishing her discomfort. “Harder!” he yelled as he pumped furiously into Justine’s energetic mouth.
The servant reared back and struck Cheryl’s breasts with all of his might. Cheryl screamed in pain, “Ayahhhhhh!”
The cruel overlord, mad with lust, shoved his cock deep into Justine’s mouth. His eyes were glued to Cheryl’s torment. As blow after blow struck her in a slow but steady cadence, matched by Cheryl’s responsive cries and moans, Stoner’s cock throbbed deep inside Justine’s throat. Struggling for air, Justine nonetheless maintained the supplications of her lips and tongue. Stoner groaned with pleasure as he began to spill his seed inside the frantic girl. Her hands twisted at their confinements, her extended legs pushed and pumped in the air as her lack of oxygen turned critical. Jet after jet poured from the hot, throbbing cock to slither down Justine’s distended esophagus.
Just as one last solid blow fell on Cheryl’s tormented breasts, Stoner gave out a last gasp and extracted his softening meat. “Enough,” he croaked out at the small native who had been wielding the crop with gleeful effectiveness. He was leaning over the body of Justine, his chest on her belly. The girl gulped fresh air into her lungs, an effort Stoner’s considerable weight made difficult. Slowly, Stoner came alive. He pushed himself up off of the supine girl and ordered the servant from the room. Cheryl was slumped in her chains, moaning softly, wetness all down her cheeks. Her breasts were bright red from their abuse.
“Tomorrow, they’ll be black and blue,” Stoner told her as he crossed the room to appreciate his servant’s handiwork. “I hope they’re good and sore so I can tit fuck you.”
Stoner was caressing his manhood, urging it back to life. In the other hand he had a glass of scotch. “Tonight I’m going to fuck your ass.” He released the chain holding the exhausted woman. She fell to the floor.
“Get up!” he ordered. He kicked her viciously. “Get up cunt!”
Cheryl struggled first to her knees and then to her feet. Stoner pushed her onto the bed. “Suck that cunt, bitch,” he told her. Cheryl placed herself between the uplifted thighs of the prone Justine. She crouched on her knees and placed her lips on the gaping sex of her fellow slave. Justine sighed as she felt the girl’s tongue delve into her moist slit. Cheryl inhaled the pungent aroma. She had often given oral pleasure to her co-wife and received it in return. The three wives, locked in their dormitory for most of the day, had little else to do besides grant each other physical solace. And, when commanded, she did so for her master’s gratification. She knew Justine’s preferences well and now used that knowledge to drive her to crisis.
The sight of Cheryl’s upraised ass was tantalizing for Stoner. His cock had come back to hardness and he knelt behind the woman to take his pleasure. Justine’s moans excited him. He pressed the head of tool into the brown star between Cheryl’s cheeks and pushed the small ring of flesh open. Cheryl knew to relax herself to ease the cruel man’s passage. She gratefully felt the cock slip inside her without effort.
The tight ring pressed firmly on Stoner’s cock as it stroked back and forth over it. The heat of Cheryl’s bowels enflamed him. Cheryl allowed the sensations to excite her. Her sore breasts swayed as her body absorbed the force of Stoner’s thrusts. Justine was moaning loudly now as the knowledgeable mouth found her center of pleasure. Her cunt was juicy and hot to Cheryl’s tongue. She let the passion of the blonde woman carry her away. Her own cunt burned with desire. She could sense its lips distending, its center lubricating.
Justine came first, crying out. Her staccato cries triggered Stoner’s release and he pumped his semen deep into Cheryl’s bowels. Cheryl squeezed the rigid pole in her ass tightly to maximize her assailant’s pleasure. It was far better to have him lust after the delights she could give him than to vent his passions on her violently. She knew that her master’s pleasure was all and that if he found her to be deficient, her torment would begin anew.
As it was, Stoner’s passions were now sated. He leaned against the body of his slave, spent. After catching his breath, he rose slowly. He pulled his now flaccid tool from Cheryl’s bowels and rose to his feet.
“Thanks for the fuck, whore,” he said. “Now get off my bed and get into your cage.”
Cheryl moved quickly to gain the relative security of the cage at the foot of Stoner’s bed. Stoner’s wives were relegated to this cage after a night of serving his passions. No whore slept with him.
The hulking man released Justine’s feet from their bindings. He untied her hands and removed the belt that had held them to her sides. “You too,” he spat at her. Justine rushed to join Cheryl in the small cage. Cheryl was already in and she had to press herself firmly against the other woman to gain entrance. The cage was small for one and a very tight fit for two. Her warm flesh rubbed up against Cheryl’s as they maneuvered to find positions that permitted a degree of comfort. Stoner slammed the cage shut and locked it. Without further comment, he stumbled back to his bed, put out the light and fell in. He was asleep in moments.
Justine waited until she heard Stoner’s snoring before speaking to her friend softly, in a whisper. “Oh, Cheryl,” she said. “I’m so sorry,”
“I know,” Cheryl replied. The limbs of the women were tangled. Justine placed her lips on Cheryl’s back and kissed her. Her hand wandered over Cheryl’s legs and found the still moist fulcrum between them. She stroked it softly.
“I love you Cheryl,” she said. “Please let me caress you. I want to give you pleasure.”
Cheryl melted as she felt the delicate fingers probe her sex. Her passions had remained unsatisfied and she welcomed the prospect of release. She turned her head in the darkness, but could not put her lips on Justine’s mouth.
“Justine,” she said woefully, “I, I…”
“Shhhh,” the blonde woman replied, pushing aside the engorged lips of Cheryl’s cunt. “Shhhhh.”
Silently, lovingly, Justine stroked Cheryl’s moist pussy. She rubbed the small bud at its top softly, making small circles on it with her finger. She pushed her fingers inside the slick crevasse, plunging them in and out.
Cheryl’s breathing became heavy as the deft caresses of the other woman fueled her lust. She felt Justine’s warm lips on her flesh, sucking at her skin, caressing it with her tongue. “Oh…, oh…,” she cried in a small, impassioned voice as her blood began to rise. Suddenly, she was over the top and her whole body shuddered. Justine’s hand frantically stroked the gushing sex. She pressed her fingers in, finding the sensitive zone of pleasure.
Cheryl moaned as wave after wave of soothing sensation pulsed through her. When her orgasm subsided, Justine withdrew her hand and kissed her lover’s back a final time.
Cheryl drifted on a sea of contentment as the tension of the night’s events left her. Her hand was just able to reach Justine’s. She gripped it firmly and said, “Thank you.”