Gavin’s POV
“This is it son.”
I smiled widely at my mom.
“Finally.” I said almost a whisper.
I didn’t expect that I will be this happy on my wedding day.
All my life I’m always focus with work and the things that I want to accomplish.
My modeling career, my love for music and my family business.
I thought before that I had no interest on woman or to be in a serious relationship.
I never played with girls. Even though girls are chasing me.
I courted Sam and become my girlfriend not because I love her but because of peer pressure.
I always have my eyes for Ms. Chad but because I haven’t seen her for years, I thought that its just a simple admiration.
But I was wrong.
I just realize that my heart only wants her. Only her.
That is the real reason why I didn’t have any interest on other girls. All this time my heart is longing for her.
Everything changed after I met her again.
But sadly, she’s in love with someone else.
But I still pursue her, because I know after her, I will not be able to love anyone else.
I can’t believe that it is really possible to only love one person in your lifetime.
I even thought that I should forget her, that’s why when she left, I tried to date Sheena.
I mean she’s not bad. We get along well, my mom likes her. So why not give it a try right?
But unlike what the news claimed, we never reached a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
Early on, I already told Sheena what I really feel.
“Sorry Sheena. Its not working. I still love her.”
She smiled at me bitterly. “I understand.”
“I tried.” I said.
She nodded. “I know.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I can’t say that it’s okay Vin. I love you so much. It hurts here.” She said while pointing on her left chest.
“What does she have that I don’t have? Why can’t you just chose me? She left you. She didn’t gave importance to you nor fight for you. But why do you still love her? Why Vin?!”
“I also don’t know. I tried my best to forget her and I even tried to open my heart to you but no matter what I do, my heart still longs for her.” I honestly told her.
“But she left you.” She said a matter of fact.
I nodded. “I know. But I don’t want to deceive myself anymore. I don’t want to lead you on and hurt you. You are important to me that is why I don’t want to hurt you.”
“But you already did! You hurt me! It really hurt Vin! Because I thought that we have a chance to be together. But I only hope for nothing. I hope you just didn’t lead me on. I hope that you just let me to forget you.” She said.
I feel hurt for Sheena. She is closed to me. But just like Sam, I only sees her as a sister.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry if I lead you on. I’m sorry because I hurt you. I’m really sorry Sheena.”
“I can’t do about it anymore right? No matter what I do or say, you will not choose me.”
I do not want to hurt others. But I know that I would only hurt hurt more if we forced ourselves to be together. So even though I knew I would hurt her I chose to be honest with her.
I waited for Aubree. I even wish that she will do something when she found out that I am going out with Sheena.
Maybe that will push her to fight for me. But nothing happened.
I thought that I will lose her forever.
Because from what I noticed, she were happy pursuing her dreams. And it scares me because she might not want to go back here, to go back to me.
One day, Seb went to my office.
He ask for my approval. He said that he is in love with Sam and want to pursue her.
I don’t like him for Sam because of that pain he brought her. But who am I to judge right?
I can’t blame him. Because even I can’t give up on Aubree.
He invited me for lunch.
“How are you?” He asked.
“Not good. I miss her so much.” I honestly said.
“Then win her back. She loves you.” He encourage me.
“How will I do that? She’s already happy with her life now.” I said .
“She just need space to think things through. But that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love you or she doesn’t want to be with you. Believe me dude, she still love you.”
“But why is she not coming back to me till now?” I asked a bit frustrated.
“Did you asked her already?”
I frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Didn’t it came to your mind that 2 years is enough for her to have her time for herself?”
I can’t understand what he mean. And it seems like he saw that I was confused.
“Bree went to Europe not because she doesn’t love anymore, but because she wanted to give herself time. Since we broke up then she did nothing but to proved to my mom that she is deserving to have me.”
“In the process of proving herself to my mom, she forgot to think about herself.”
“I know Bree so well. She’s the type of person who will just do the waiting. When I went back from US, I knew that she waited for me.”
“She will wait but she will not run after you. I got her back because I fight for her. I tried to win her back.”
“Do you understand my point now? I’m not really good with words you know.”
I shook my head. “I don’t know what do you want me to do or to realize.”
He sighed aloud. “What I mean dude is, she still loves you and she’s just waiting for you to chase her.”
“How can you be so sure? She didn’t do anything when she found out the news about me and Sheena.”
“Did she do anything to me when she found out that I will be marrying Sam?” He asked instead.
“What?” I still didn’t get him.
“I didn’t know you this slow. I thought your smart?” He smirked.
“Just get to the point.” I hissed.
He chuckled. “What I mean is, Aubree is not the type of person who will do the chasing. If she will knew that you already have someone else, don’t expect her to run after you. Because in her mind you already love someone else. And it is her fault because she left you.”
“And because he loves you so much, she will let you go because she thought that you are already in love with someone else.” He added.
“You need to clear that issue with her. Her contract with Paris is almost done right? Then its time for you to move.”
And that is what I did. Especially when I found out that she did not renew her contract in Paris.
I suddenly hope for us. That finally she will be back at me.
You can’t imagine how surprised I am when she said that she will renew her contract in Paris.
Seb was right. I needed to do something to win her back.
That is why I planned everything carefully. I talked to our agency partner in Paris about their offer to Aubree.
I also know that the media will flocked on her Aubree not because of her achievement in Paris but because of my “relationship with Sheena”
And I will use that opportunity to win her back.
And it worked. She’s now my girlfriend and I can’t wait to make her mine forever.
And now, finally after so many years, I will now spend my forever with her as my wife.