My one-month vacation is over. And I can say that it helped a lot to be able to relax and think well.
That month I turned off my phone.
Because my mom is right, I’m done pleasing the people around me. Its about time I think of myself.
I knew Seb would be worried so before I turned off my phone I texted him and I said I wanted to spend time with my family first so I will not be able to text or call him because I would turn off my phone.
And my Mom is right. All my life, I never do things for myself. That I just do what I do to please others. And I was consume by my “love story” that I forgot myself in the process.
I have finally decided that its about time to do what I really want for myself.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” My mom asked.
I smiled at Mom. “Yes. I feel relaxed now than before.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Always remember that we are here to support you in whatever decision you make.” My mom’s comforting word for me.
“Thanks mom!” And I hug her so tight.
I will go back to Manila now.
I first went to IGC building.
I immediately went to my handler to let him know that I am accepting the offer to model abroad.
“Are you sure here Bree?” My handler asked incredulously.
“100%” I said with full conviction.
He furrowed. “What drama are you having now Aubree? First you resigned because you are going to move to your boyfriend’s company and then now you will accept your offer abroad ?! Care to explain young lady!”
I laughed at his reaction.
“I just realized that I can learn a lot there. Besides, I want to do this for myself this time.” I explained to him.
He hugged me and tapped me on the back. “If you think it will be better for you. All right, just go! I’m happy for you!”
I reciprocated his hug. “Thank you!”
After we adjusted the requirements for my modeling abroad, I went straight to my condo to rest and organized my things.
I’m planning to invite Seb to have dinner with me.
I took a nap for a while because I was tired of taking care of the requirements.
When I woke up I immediately texted Seb for dinner later. He replied excitedly.
I wore a simple white dress. Moments later I heard the doorbell rang from my door.
When I opened it, I immediately saw Seb handsome in his jeans and black long sleeves folded up to his elbows.
He hugged me tightly.
“Hi babe I miss you!” He whispered.
I smiled at him.
“For you.” He gave me a bouquet of my favorite flower.
I accepted and smelled it after that I invited him in.
“Just wait, I’ll just put this flower in the vase.” I told him.
He nodded and let me arrange the flower he had given me.
“Shall we?” He asked as I returned to the living room.
We arrived at the restaurant, we were so quite the whole dinner.
“Okay Bree spill it out.” Seb said in a serious tone.
I heaved a heavy sighed. I look intently at him.
“Seb I’m going to Paris.” I started my speech.
Hi eyes widen. “For vacation?”
I shake my head. “For work.”
He frowned. “What do you mean for work?”
“I got an offer in Paris. Its kind of a big break for me. I can’t missed this for the world.” I said.
He was still looking seriously at me.
I knew he did not believe my explanation. Seb knows me. So I know he knows were this conversation is going.
“I want space.” I said nervously.
He remained serious. “And?”
“I want to break up with you.” I finally said it.
I saw him swallowed hard and closed his eyes.
I could not stop my tears from flowing. Because I hurt someone again and of all people its Seb.
But I need to do this not just for me but also for him.
He can’t be fully happy with me. I knew that he knew that we are not the same as before.
Something has changed.
Our love. It is not as strong as before.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why? Why now? Why do it now when everything is alright now?! Why when my mom already accepted us?! Why?!” His voice raised.
I was startled by the sudden raised of his voice.
We caught some people’s attention but we chose to ignore them.
“I don’t know too. I am also pissed with myself! In what I am feeling now! All my life I only wanted is to be accepted by your family, especially your mom. And you don’t know how happy I am when that happened. But…”
I can seem to tell him my reason because I know that I will hurt him big time.
“But you already in love with someone else.” He completed my sentence.
My eye widen.
He laugh bitterly and shook his head.
“Do you think I don’t see the way you look at him? Do you think I don’t feel that I am not anymore the one who is in your heart?! I know it! I can feel and see it! But I thought that if you come back to me, I will also be back in your heart. That still we will end up together!” He said emotional.
I felt pain in my heart. I never wanted to hurt him. He is my first love. And I know that I was the one who let go of the two of us. I didn’t even mean it but it happened. I let go of the two of us.
“I’m sorry Seb. I didn’t want this to happen.” I honestly told him.
He nodded. “I know. I know you well Aubree. I know you don’t want to hurt me because you care so much about me.”
“But I still hope for my chance in your heart again Aubree. Because if we were not meant to be then why did we had this kind of chance to be together if we will not end up together?!” He said full of frustration.
I shake my head. “I also don’t know Seb. I have asked that question for so many times. God knows that I don’t want to hurt you or anyone. That is why I am here to apologize. I’m sorry Seb. I’m really really sorry.”
I can’t help but to cry so hard. This thing is so difficult to do. Why did all this thing happened?! Why?!
Seb immediately went to me to comfort me. I can’t help myself but to hug him.
“Hush Bree stop it. Don’t cry. I understand. I knew you meant no harm.” He said while still trying to comfort me.
“Sorry… sorry… sorry…” I keep on saying to him while hugging him tight.
“Hush everything will be alright.”
His word somehow comforts me.
After a few minutes we decided to go home.
We were in the basement of my pad when he spoke.
“Will you go back to him?” He asked almost a whisper.
I shook my head. “He already moved on.”
“Are you sure?” He asked.
I just shrugged.
“I didn’t break up with you because of him. I did that for myself. My mom is right. All this time, I do things to please other people. I wasn’t able to do what I really want. That is why now, I want to make the most out of it. I need to love myself again.” I explained.
He smiled and nodded. “Fine. But always remember that I am just here for you.”
“I know. Thank you Seb!”