Until now I can’t removed the smile on my face.
He still loves me.
And he’s right, I love him too.
I don’t know but I feel complete.
I know that this will not be easy. I love Seb, I knew that I can never unloved him. He became a big part of my life and I have no plans to throw that away.
Its not yet happening but I am feeling hurt for him. I know that he truly loves me. I don’t want to break his heart. But I know that I will hurt him more if we will still continue our relationship.
Now I wish it was true that Seb and Sam will get married that they really love each other and Seb already forgotten his love for me.
I will only be hurt once, unlike now many people are hurting because of this situation.
But I know all of this has a reason why it happened. I just hope that everything will be alright.
Like in previous months I have become busier now not only in photo shoots and runways but also in company events.
But even so I was happy especially now that my Gavin is back.
Yes my Gavin, because he’s mine.
I know he did not lost him because I was the one who pushed him away.
And our colleagues seem to notice that we were getting close again.
“Did you and Sir Gavin got back together?” Nancy, one of my fellow models, teased me.
I just smiled. “Not yet.” I answer her.
“Not yet? So it will be soon?” She asked.
I just shrugged.
She gave me a soft punch. “You are so showbiz girl! You still not accepting him until now?! If I were in your shoe I will never let go of Sir Gavin because aside from being so lucky, many girls are surely eyeing your man.”
“If you only knew, I really wanted to be with him but its not that easy.” I said seriously.
“What’s so hard about that? It’s so obvious that he is into you.” She said.
I just laughed at her. “I have my reason.”
She rolled her eyes on me. “Don’t be so complacent, he might be steal by other girls like that girl Sam. Good thing she doesn’t often visit Sir Gavin now.” She hissed.
I suddenly felt guilty, because of my secret relationship with Sen, people accused her.
“What are you saying? Sam is kind and she will not try to steal Gav from me. I know her, she loves Seb.” I defended her.
Then an idea pop-up in my head that made me smile.
“What do you think?” I asked Gavin excitedly.
I told Gav what I thought earlier. Since Sam loves Seb why can’t we just help Sam to make him fall for her. When that happens there is no problem anymore. They can continue with their marriage and Gavin and I can do the same.
“Of course if I were be asked I would like that idea but the thing is I don’t like Seb for Sam.” He said.
I felt annoyed. “And why is that?”
Of course I’m on Seb’s side. I know Seb, and I know he is a good person.
“He has no bone. I don’t think he can protect Sam especially to his mother.” He said still in a serious tone.
I got even more annoyed. “In that case, why don’t you just marry Sam? After all, you can protect her!”
I was not jealous, but I did not like what he said to Seb.
I saw Gavin frown. “What are you saying?”
“I don’t know why you think Seb is so superficial!”
“And why not? After he hurts you and let his mother insulted you! And he also hurt Sam!” His voice has risen a bit.
“Seb doesn’t know that Sam loves him!” I defended him.
“Because he is numb and selfish!”
“We are no different from Seb! The three of us were also selfish! Let’s not put all the blame on him!” I said softly.
Gav became silent.
“Seb is not the only one who is selfish, we are all selfish here. That’s why our secrets overlap. Don’t blame Seb for everything!”
I saw Gavin got panicked. He immediately went to me and wiped away my tears.
“shhh I’m sorry Bree. Its just that… never mind. Your right, all of us were selfish. That’s why we need to make this right.” He said more tender now.
“I feel so guilty Gav. Even though we are not yet together, I still feel like I am cheating on him. He did nothing but to love me. Because of that love, he unintentionally hurt Sam but I hope you stop blaming him.” I said still crying.
“Shhh Bree I understand. But I think enough of this plan. If they really meant for each other then so be it. We can’t forced them to be together.” He said.
I cried even more. “I want him to be happy.”
“If you really want him to be happy, then let him go. I am not saying this just to have you completely but because the more you prolonged this, his love for you will going more deeper, it will be harder for him to moved on.”
I get his point.
“But I don’t want to hurt him.” I said almost a whisper.
“I know but we can’t do anything about it. He will still get hurt no matter what you do. Its inevitable.”
I was about to say something when my phone rang.
It was Seb.
I’m having a second thought if I will answer it or not. I looked at Gavin he just gave me an assuring smile.
I took a deep breath before answering my phone.
“S-seb” I softly said.
‘Bree finally!’
Excitement was in his voice.
“What do you mean finally?”
‘Bree the thing we’ve been waiting for, it’s finally happening!’
“What do you mean?” I asked confusedly.
‘Mommy already knows everything!’
My eyes widened.
‘Bree? Are you still there?’
“Yes. Go on.” I told him.
‘I don’t know how Mommy found out about our relationship but the good news is she is not angry’
“Really?” Shocked is heard in my voice.
She heard him chuckled. ‘Yes Bree and she wants to meet you. She has accepted you! ‘
“Really?” Shocked I said.
‘Bree aren’t you happy?’
I shook my head even though he could not see me. “I was just surprised.”
‘Same here. I was also so surprised. Bree…’
‘My mom’s want to meet you!’
My eyes widen.?
“Sure” Only thing I can utter.
‘Okay. Free your schedule tomorrow night. I’ll fetch you! Love you!’
“Okay” After that I ended the call.
“What did he told you?” Gavin asked me curiously.
“His mom knew about our secret relationship.” I started my speech.
He looked so shocked. “And then?”
“He said that his mom already accepted me and she wants to meet me.” I told him.
“Okay.” He just answered.
“Its okay Bree. I understand. I will just be here waiting for you.”