Aubree’s POV
I am feeling nervous right now. No matter how many times I do a runway, I will always feel nervous.
This will be my third time doing a runway, but the feeling is the same when I did it for the first time. Though I always hear compliments from the people around me, I still can’t help but to feel nervous.
If only Gav is here.
I sighed. “Stop hoping about it Aubree.” I scolded myself.
He used to come to me every time there was an event like this. He would always say I could do it that its just a piece of cake and I am doing good.
I really miss him. I thought with Seb around, my life will be complete because he’s my missing piece. But why am I feeling this? Why does it seems like I lost more when Gavin disappeared from my life?
Seb send me to the event. He also encouraged me, he told me that I can do it. Just like what Gavin is saying to me before, but I don’t know why it seems like it has no effect on me.
It seems like you are waiting for someone, and that someone will be able to make all your nervousness and fears disappear.
“Hi everyone!”
My eyes widened when I saw Gav when to us and he is smiling. His smile, is a kind of smile that is contagious.
I looked around. They were all stopped by the arrival of Gav. They all seemed to be infected with his smile as well.
“I’m just here to say good luck guys!” He said with a smile.
He looked around and he stopped when our eyes met.
“I know you can do it! Its just a piece of cake! So congrats in advance I know that you will all do great!” He said while staring at it.
And he smiled at me again.
This is the first time he smiled at me after all the things that happened.
I’m so happy. It was as if all my fears and nervousness were gone. I suddenly felt excited about what was going to happen at the event.
I just hope he is always like that. Smiling at me.
Gavin’s POV
I know what Bree is feeling right now. I wanted to comfort her, to encourage her. Like like what I used to do before.
I know that she already have Seb who will do the encouraging for her, but I still want to do that for her.
Fortunately, I have a go signal from Sam. This time I will be her knight and shining armor. Especially that Seb’s mom will be at the event later.
I need to be ready because until now, Seb’s mom is not willing to accept Aubree for her son.
And I will not let her insult Bree just like what she did to her years ago. If Seb failed to defend her before, then now will be different because I will be here to defend and fight for her.
Just like before, I went to the backstage to give her some encouragement. I saw how nervous the model are and the staffs busy with their work.
While I was encouraging them, I scanned the place to look for Aubree. And when I saw her, I utter the words of encouragement that I used to tell her before.
And just like before, all her fears and nervousness were gone. I can’t help but to smile at her. How I wish I can go to her to hug and kiss her and to say to her that I will always be proud of her.
I know it will happen… Very soon.