Chapter 3

Book:EX Factor Published:2024-5-1

I was shocked when Mr. Korea introduced me as his girlfriend to his friends and Seb. And just like me, Seb looked so shocked also.
My eyes narrowed. Why is he so shocked? Did he think that he was the only one who could move on?
Is he thinking that I am waiting for him until now?
Well yes he is right!
I waited for him because I was still hoping that we will still end up together.
But now I know that I am the only one who is still holding on to our love.
I know that the tears I was holding back are about to fall.
“Excuse me guys, Gav I’m here for work so I can’t stay with you this long. I need to talk to my clients.” I said sweetly to Gavin.
I could see in my peripheral vision Seb staring at me. I can’t look back, because I know any minute my tears will fall.
I really need to get out of here before they see my tears falling.
They nodded. Seb was still looking at me.
I went outside the hall to get some fresh air and to release the tears that I am trying to hold.
It hurts so much to see the person you only loved and waited for a long time is already in the arms of someone else. And the worst part is, he will marry that person.
I see no one else with my future if not him. Even though he was not with me, my world revolved around him. I love him so much so I did my best to succeed, to be worthy for him. For his family to accept me.
But reality hits me. No matter what I do, I can never win his parents’ heart, I still have not achieved everything enough for his family to accept me. And I know Seb knows that, that’s why he gave me up.
It really hurts. I hope he does not gave me those letters before. I might not let myself to hope so much for our love, I wouldn’t have waited for him this long. He should not lead me on because I believe and hold on to his promises.
But who am I kidding right? I know in myself that even if he did not gave a letter back then, I will still wait for him because I love him so much.
“Are you okay?” said the person behind me. I was suddenly nervous. I hope its not Seb.
I want to beat myself up. Why would he follow me?
I immediately wiped away my tears. I calm my self first before I face the guy behind me.
And I admit I was a little disappointed that Seb was not that person. Because deep inside I hope he is.
“Gav!” I just said.
Yes. Its Gav. I did not know that he followed me. Did he see me crying?
“How long have you been here?” I asked
“Nope. I was looking for you earlier because I believe that I owe you an explanation.” He said seriously.
“Oh that?”
Of course he introduced me to his girlfriend earlier. But why did he do that? I didn’t even think about that before because of Seb’s presence.
“Yes. Well Sam is my ex girlfriend. And we broke up because she needs to go abroad to study. After her I never had a girlfriend but not because I still love her, its just that I’m so busy with my career and I don’t have time for love. And every time we talk and she finds out that I don’t have a girlfriend yet, she always does her ‘guilt drama’ thinking that I’m not over her yet. Which is not true. ” He explained.
I raised my left eyebrow. Isn’t he arrogant there? Trying to look cool?
“Don’t look at me like that. What I am trying to say is that, were too young at that time. And I just court her because of my friends. Peer pressure you know? And also I was too immature at that time. ” He explained again.
I sighed. “Okay. I get it. But still why do you need to introduce me as your girlfriend?”
“Because I can see that she was about start her guilty drama again.” He said.
I frowned. “Guilty drama?”
He chuckled. “Yes. She has that tendency to create a scene saying sorry for leaving me with matching tears.”
My left eyebrow rose. So Seb will marry such a woman?
“Really? Is she… you know…. crazy?”
He chuckled. “No she’s just too innocent and sensitive. She can’t afford to hurt anyone.”
Really? If I tell her about me and Seb, will she leave Seb for me? That is what I really want to ask Gav but I do not want to look so desperate.
No one will ever know the stupid thing I did for him.
“Okay.” Smiling I said.
“Okay? So it means you agree?” I asked her.
She frowned. “Agree to what?”
I want to beat myself up. Of course Gav you haven’t asked her yet.
“Y-you know, the thing I announced earlier.” embarrassed I said.
Her left eyebrow rose. “You mean when you introduced me as your girlfriend?”
“Y-yes.” Embarrassed I said.
I do not know but I am nervous. Well I’m been like that to her ever since. I was very conscious and nervous when she is with me. I feel like I went back to high school. This is exactly what I felt for her back then.
“Is there anything else I can do? And I said yes earlier.” Smiling she said.
Of course Gavin! Have you forgot it already?! I smiled, the kind of smile reaching to my ears. You know the feeling that you have reached the thing that you have been dreaming of for a long time. That’s how I feel right now. Even if it’s just fake relationship m.
“Bree?” I called her.
I have been wanting to asked her this.
“Do you know him?” I asked her.
The reaction of her and Seb seems like there is something between them. That they did not only knew each other, there is more from that.
She frowned. “him?”
“Sebastian.” I just said.
I saw the change in her reaction, she also got pale again. Its confirmed! There is more from it. But what is it?
“Yes.” She simply said.
I also saw tears forming in her eyes.
I frowned. Who is Seb in her life?
“He’s my ex boyfriend.” She said. You can hear the sadness and bitterness in her voice.
My eyes widen what a coincidence?! They are also ex boyfriend and girlfriend!
The luck and the stupidity of that man. He already has Ms. Chad but he let her go.
“That’s the reason I go with your act.” She confessed.
I swallowed. I don’t know but it hurts me to see her hurting.
“You still love him?” I do not know why I am nervous about her answer.
“Y-yes.” then she smile bitterly.
Yes. By the way I look at her right now, I know that she’s still in love with Sebastian. I wanted to comfort her, I wanted to hug her and tell her that everything will be alright, that I am just here for her. But I don’t know what stopping me from doing that.
I envy Sebastian. He didn’t know what he lost.
Ms. Chai and I went inside together in the hall. We caught everyone’s attention and one of them is my mom. She went to us.
“Son is Sam telling the truth?” My mom asked excitedly.
I frowned. “What do you mean mom?”
“That you and” she the look at Bree. “and Aubree are together?” My mom asked with a smile in her face.
I think she likes the idea. So do I.
“Ye-” I was answering when Bree cut me off.
“No Ma’am. Mr. Inarez only need to say those things because he don’t want to ruin Ms. Sam’s engagement party because of her guilt because she thought that Mr. Inarez is not yet over her.” She said in a formal voice.
My mom and I were shocked from what she said.
I didn’t like that she denied it and I was feeling a bit hurt. I want her to say yes though its fake. But I still can’t blame her.
“Gavin?” My mom questioned me.
“Yes mom. Aubree is telling the truth.” I said almost a whisper.
“I thought that was true. You really look good together. But maybe in the future it will be true?” There is a mixture of regret and the same time excitement in mommy’s voice,
I just laughed at mommy’s reaction. She really likes her. And who wouldn’t?
After my mom left. I guide her in an empty table… I face and asked her.
“Why did you tell her the truth? I thought that we both agree to pretend a couple?” I can help but to asked her.
He looked at me. I was swallowed hard by the closeness of our faces.
“Yes. But only to Sam and Seb. And after a month we will announce our break up.” She said.
My eyes widened. “What?” What is she saying?
“We don’t need to prolong it. All we need is for Sam not to think that you’re not over her. We can say that I broke up with you because I want to focus on my career and I can’t do that if we are still together. In short I’m choosing my career over you. ” She explained.
I do not know what to react. I just sighed. I think this is for the better.
“Okay. 1 month deal” Then I offer my hand and she accepted it as seal in our deal.