“Hi!” said the familiar voice through the door. She saw how he respects her family. He looked at her and smiled. “Well, I just went here to look if you’re okay now. It seems you’re even finer than I imagined. How’s your feeling?”
“I’m fine.” she politely said. She saw how he looked at her family and her family went out. “Nurse Dy, its okay if you’ll stay here. I want her to feel comfortable just by you staying.” Dr. Jimenez said that made her relief. He looked straight to her eyes. “I know, it’s difficult to understand so I’m here to give you this.” he gave a thick black book. “I’ll entrust my journal, just by reading those with book marks and high lightened sentences. In addition, I’ll entrust you this card, when you feel like reading it, go and read it. Moreover, I need you to read it silent and secretly. You can read it with your family, Nurse Dy and the therapist is around but please keep in mind that you have to keep it when there’s another person or people were here. Do you understand?”
She smiled. “Yes. But why are you giving this to me?”
“I don’t give that book, you’re just a borrower but the card will stand as a present, and I’m giving it to you. Isn’t it beautiful?”
She looked at the card, it looks like old but she likes it. “Beautiful, I like this.”
He smiled at her. “Yeah, thank you. It’s a promise, okay?”
“I promise.”
“I’ll hold on to that promise. I’ll be going now.”
“Grace, it’s time for you to take some rest.” she heard Nurse Dy waking her up.
Nurse Dy helped her to sit down. “Thank you.” she said with a smile on her lips. “You know what, whenever I read this card, something is flashing back.” she said.
She saw him getting some cookies and put it on the plate; he also made a chocolate drink. “Sometimes, flashed backs are real. If you seek for it more, you’ll be going to see what those flashed backs mean to you.” he said then put in into the tiny table in front of her.
“Thank you.” she said then bite some cookies. She opens the book and gets the card in it.
g__ce __di__n
I promise to never cheat, never let you go, love you more each day, be faithful, be your armour, your comfort, your strength, your courage, and lastly to be your one and only man and you’ll be my only woman.
_ov_ ji__ne_
“Whenever I read this, my heart kept on beating wild as if the message were written just for me.” she said.
She saw Nurse Dy smiled. “Here. Take your medicine and rest.” he gave her medicine and a glass of water.
“I’m being pampered.” she commented.
“Just enjoy it while it last because when you’re walking once again, I won’t do this stuffs.” he joked on.
“Thank you. Why do you company me whenever I eat?” she asked out of curiosity.
“Curiosity kills the cat.” he joked on again. “It’s sad to eat alone, that’s depressing, right?”
“Yes, it is…”
“And the second reason, a friend of mine baked that cookies. Everything that you have for this hour snacks are from him. I also want to taste it.” he explained.
“I see… Kindly say, her baked cookies are nice.”
He chuckled. “Your message will be send when we see each other and I’d just like to correct you that he not she.”
She laughed. “Sorry. I hope I could meet him someday.”
“When it’s time for him to meet you.” he said. “Go and sleep now. You’re therapy tomorrow will be seven in the morning.”
It’s been three months since she started the therapy and she can stand-up once again all she have to do is to walk normal.
This day, there’s a first reader on my blog. She’s so nice, fine and beautiful woman. I hope we could be closer. Tomorrow, I’ll be signing signature for my book. I’m so nervous, I can’t help it but when I read my first reader’s message on my blog, she made me feel confident.
Goodness! At last, I met her. My first ever reader on my blog, the first person who went in front of me and asked me to sign my book she bought. I’m mesmerized by her genuine smile.
This day, she told me she met a person named JL. At first, I don’t agree about their situation but what can I say, she looks so happy that I can’t say against that person itself.
Miss Li helped her to stand-up while Nurse Dy was on her back to assist. She saw Doctor Jimenez went inside her room and talked unto her mother, she didn’t have time to listen on what they were talking because she’s too focus on her therapy. She smiled. “It feels like I’m a toddler whom was just about to walk.” she said in a helpless voice.
“Don’t be so sound you’re helpless. You’re about to walk again, you can stand-up on your own, we’ll just have to practice more.” motivates Miss Li.
She saw Doctor Jimenez sat on the bench in front of her. “Yeah, you just have to practice. By the way, your sponsor wants to see you when you’re fine. I told him that you’re doing great so, he’s excited to see you walking.”
“Really?” she excitedly asked.