I Forgive You

Book:The Werewolf King Published:2024-5-1

My phone rang and it was a random number. I picked up.
“Nikolai?” I heard a voice I didn’t recognise. “It’s me, Adrian.”
“Adrian?” He’s grown up now. He must be seventeen or eighteen now. Fuck. I can’t even recognise his voice.
“Yeah. I’m glad to know you’re alive again, man.”
“I’m glad to be alive.” I smiled. I missed the kid. “When are you coming back?”
“I’m back at the house actually. I hadn’t taken the dagger with me, I thought it would be safe here. I had put it in the safe that was in my bedroom. I don’t know the passcode bro.” I face palmed myself.
“Then why did you put it in there?” I groaned.
“I was a kid. I didn’t know!” He defended. “So, passcode?”
“Try Avalyn’s birthday. It’s twenty-second May nineteen ninety.” I used it as a passcode and every other place. But most safes in the bedrooms were built into walls and the passcode had been set when we moved there. There was still a slight chance…
I heard him punch in the code.
“That’s not it.” He sighed. “Should I break it?”
“No. It has a system- if it is broken into, it will blast like a bomb. Just stay there. I’ll have to come there myself. All the safes have my finger print as the master passcode.” Now that I look back on it, I should have added someone else too.
“Fine. See you soon.” He replied.
“Yeah. See you soon.” I cut the call.
“Nikolai!” Natalia screeched as she entered the dining room. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Natalia!” Max admonished and then shook his head.
“No Max.” She told her mate and then looked at me with narrowed eyes. “None of this Alpha shit right now. I’m talking to you as family. I know that life has been shit right since a long time. I know things are not good with you and Avalyn. I know it’s been rough. We all know it. But enough is enough. She is still in that freaking office. It’s been two days Nikolai! Today is the third day! We all know you both can’t live without each other. Save us all the trouble and make up.” Her high pitched voice was making my ears bleed. “Every fucking body is scared of you. Some tiny thing happens and you snap. You’re giving out punishments like it’s confetti! Get your head out of your ass and look a the bigger picture.”
“Are you done?” I asked as I took a bite of my apple.
“Ugh!” She groaned. “I just can’t with you!”
“Then don’t.” I shrugged. “And she can stay in there for as long as she likes. She can come out any time she wants.”
“She won’t come out until her last breath, Nikolai.” Dimitri said quietly. “You know it.”
I know that she’s stubborn.
And it’s been two days without food and water. And she was already too thin…
Fuck, I’m actually thinking about it now.
“Max also cheated on me.” Natalia continued and her mate winced at the memory. “But did I hold any grudges? No! I forgave him! You should too!”
“Shut up.” I growled. No need to remind of it. “That was different and you fucking know it.”
She finally grew quiet.
“Thanks for the peaceful breakfast.” I stood up and walked out.
I groaned as I walked towards my office. I know I can’t let her be in there for so long. But I can’t lose just yet! I wanted her to accept my rejection!
This clearly wasn’t the way though.
And then an idea formed in my head. I know exactly what to do. I need to piss her off. I need to make her mad at me, enough mad that she will hate my guts.
It’s the only way. Because Avalyn and I – we will never work. Ever. It’s done.
It took me half an hour to do the set up and then I walked to my office. I placed my hand on the circle and the door unlocked.
I pushed it open and stepped inside and closed it behind me.
Avalyn was sitting in her exact same position and exact same place I left her in.
I circled her so I stood in front of her. “Stand up.”
She used her frail arms to push herself up. Her knees buckled and she was about to fall down again.
Instinctively, I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her up. Her body rested against mine and her head fell on my chest. “You came.” She whispered softly. “I know you would come, Nikolai. I know you still love me.”
I cupped her cheek and made her look at me. These are going to be out last moments together so I allowed myself to let go. I allowed myself to feel for her one last time.
“You’re too stubborn, Love.” My thumb caressed her chapped lips.
She cracked a smile.
I pressed a kiss against her lips and then picked her up and carried her to my bedroom. For one last time.
I placed her on the bed. It was the only part that was clean anyways.
I took the glass of water placed on the side and held it against her lips. She drank it quickly.
Then, I took the plate and placed it between us.
Her soft eyes looked at me with tears and love as she ate whatever I fed her. For one last time.
Without complaint, she ate every single thing that was on the plate.
“Thank you.” She sighed. “Can I please sleep for some time?”
“Sleep? I had something else in mind.” I caressed her thigh.
Her eyes flew open and she stared at me in shock. “Really?” The anticipation in her voice was palpable.
I nodded.
“I knew you still loved me.” Her voice shook. “I believed in us, Nikolai. Because I love you. I never stopped.” And then she pressed her lips against mine.
And then she kissed me like she was breathing fresh air for the first time.
And I too, let go.
I cupped her cheeks- they had become too hollow, she needs to eat more. I’ll look into it later. And then I kissed her deeply, pushing her on the bed.
Her silver hair sprayed on the bed like a halo and she started up at me like she was staring at her God.
I took my t-shirt and pants off.