Chapter 34 – Death by Goodbyes

Book:MY SCYTHE-WIELDING HUSBAND Published:2024-5-1

With her free hand, Solene rubbed her eyes and blinked many times before staring back at her husband. Her eyes were indeed playing tricks on her for this time, as Henri faced her, he looked like himself with the same short, raven hair. There was not a dark blue strand on his head and this relieved her… or at least for a bit. She couldn’t digest much about this information as the current situation demanded her attention.
“I apologize you had to see that, Solene,” Henri stated as he approached her. The great scythe disappeared in a blink of an eye, much to her relief. Maybe, she could acquaint with such a weapon during her training, but for now, she preferred it out of her line of sight. “It is inevitable that you’d witness such a horrid sight, but I had hoped it would be at least after your training as a conjurer,” he added.
Solene continued to press the bunched up cloth against Tessa’s chest, but her attention fell fully on him.
“I’d be lying if I said it’s okay,” she answered, frowning a little. “I know I am bound to see demons and other beings, and even, possibly fight some of them. This is the reason why I agreed to our marriage in the first place: be protected and be trained. I had to grow some backbone if I want to stay alive, protect myself and my family.”
Henri stopped inches away from her, reached out and caressed her cheeks.
“Wise words, Solene. You are taking this situation with a leveled head.”
She shifted her eyes to Tessa, scooted back, and brushed the maid’s forehead with the back of her hand.
“However, what I think about all of these is not top priority now, Henri,” she continued, her eyes brimming with tears. “Tessa needs to go to the hospital and stat.”
He simply watched the unconscious girl without a hint of worry and then answered to assure her, “Of course, I’ll have our people take care of the girl. You don’t need to worry about her.”
Right on cue, Christopher, Chef Ressu, and four other tuxedo-wearing men entered the rooftop from the connecting stairs.
Two went to secure Mrs. Ingrid’s body which surprisingly was still intact despite the damage the demon caused and gently, they placed her inside the body bag. It was painful for Solene to watch the process so she directed her sight onto the poor maid.
The rest of the men surrounded Tessa. They advised Solene to move back. She did so as quickly as she could. Then, they administered better first aid on her using the right equipment. However, she didn’t miss out on how Chef Ressu poured some cloudy water on her chest, and after the contact, the wound gave off smoke with a putrid smell. To her surprise, the wound healed and her blood stopped oozing.
“Holy water,” Henri said.
Solene looked up at him and cocked a brow.
“In every wound a demon possession caused, it can be healed with holy water, but this holy water isn’t what you think, Solene. It came not from the blessing of a priest.”
“Then where did it come from?” she asked, trying to hold back herself from crying.
“With your family’s background, I’m sure you already know about the Spiritual Realm,” he searched for any recognition in her eyes but could find none.
“No,” Solene lowered her eyes on the floor. “My family always told me that life after death is real, but they didn’t mention about some spiritual realm shit until lately.”
Henri wasn’t offended by her confession. In fact, he understood her family’s intent on keeping as much secret from her as possible in exchange for a normal life.
“Lady Ursula will explain more about it when you train,” he stated.
By this time, the body bag filled with Mrs. Ingrid’s body was taken out of the roof deck.
“How about Mrs. Ingrid, Henri? Can’t this holy water help her?” she immediately expressed.
“I apologize, Solene. I doesn’t work that way. What I can assure you is that her soul will live on in a place free of hardship and suffering. She deserved it.”
Solene also watched as Tessa—now on a gurney—got wheeled out of the roof deck.
As this happened, she couldn’t fight off a cry anymore.
“I don’t want this to happen again,” she expressed as she faced him with grossly wet eyes.
A crack on his neutral face appeared, showing enough concern for her—something that wasn’t visible earlier when he watched the half-comatose maid.
“I will increase your security a hundred times more,” he answered, promising it also to himself.
But she quickly shook her head. “No, as I said, I can’t keep on needing your help. You know this already. Plus, I don’t want anyone else in danger because of me whether they know how to fight or not.”
Henri closed the gap between them, wiped her tears with his thumb, and embraced her tight.
“I admire your courage, Solene,” he whispered in her ear. “I admire how your eyes shine bright with determination.”
Solene pressed her cheek against his warm chest and allowed her tears to fall in full force. For now… at least, she was going to bare herself to him. Allow him to nurse her weak side.
“We will end our honeymoon tonight. Tomorrow, we return to the main house. It is time for you to train,” he informed.
Solene lifted her face up, touched his jawline, and planted a chaste kiss on his chin.
“Thank you, Henri.”
The next day, Solene and Henri arrived at the main estate. They were greeted by the staff of the house and their families all standing inside the grand foyer. Lloyd, Charlie, Lady Ursula, and five more middle-aged members of the Rantzen Clan Solene only knew by face stood at the base of the stairs while the St. Fair family stood at their right.
“Welcome home Master Henri and Mistress Solene,” Mrs. Su and Sir Reynold initiated, and the rest of the staff followed coupled it with a bow.
Solene beamed a smile and waved a hand while Henri just kept a reserved face.
“Thank you for the generous welcome, everyone,” he stated. “We are happy to return as officially Mr. and Mrs. Rantzen.” He looped an arm around her waist and gazed at her,
“Solene, a word?” he encouraged.
The latter nodded and smiled again at the crowd. “Uhm, like Henri said, thank you. I’m yet to acclimate myself with the extravagance but yeah, I appreciate you going lengths in order to welcome us back into the house. I’m happy to hold the official title Mistress of the Rantzen Clan, but please, just call me the informal way. I prefer it that way.”
Some bobbed their heads, some gave her a sincere smile, while some just tossed an unsure look.
Henri saw this and just flipped his hand, “Whatever my wife desires, please indulge her. Now, you may continue with your responsibilities today.”
The staff, after another bow, parted and went to their corresponding areas of the house, but the two families stayed.
Lloyd and AC were the first to approach the couple, running towards them with their little feet. The former exchanged hugs with Henri while the latter did the same with Solene. Then, Lloyd transferred to Solene and requested a hug too.
“You two are playmates now huh?” Solene asked as she stooped low to their eye level.
Both Lloyd and AC nodded with enthusiasm.
“That’s great to know then.” With her hands, she messed the boys’ brushed up hair and chuckled.
The rest of the older members of the Rantzen family exchanged brief hugs with Solene and whispered their welcomes. She couldn’t miss out on their movements though and how they were selective, consciously choosing not to embrace Henri who had kept a safe distance from them. As the Master of the Rantzen Clan, maybe that separation came as a normal thing.
“Solene!” Meridith exclaimed when it was now their turn to greet her.
Henri quickly lowered his head and whispered in her ear, “I’ll be in our chamber if you need me.”
They exchanged brief glances and then Solene nodded.
“Mom!” she cried out after directing her attention to her mother. Again, they started with an embrace and a kiss on the cheeks before anything else.
“You are early, Sweety. I thought you’d return by this afternoon,” Meridith stated whilst looking at AC and Lloyd running off to another part of the house.
Solene gave her grandparents a kiss of greeting before turning to her mother.
“Something came up mom,” she answered, trying to hold back a sad expression.
Meridith saw this immediately.
“I see,” she answered. “Do you want to talk about it? Is Henri not the kind man we thought he was?”
“Oh no, mom,” Solene quickly shook her head. “Henri is perfect. He has everything I want for a husband.” Successfully, she was able to stop herself from recalling all those hot, erotic moments with him. “Its the so-called accidents. I had a brush with death last night.”
“Oh my, Solene,” Meridith neared her and patted her shoulder. “I’m sorry you had to go through that again. We assumed, now that you’re already wed into the Rantzen Family, that you’d be safe, but I guess we’re wrong?”
“No, Meridith, what you believed is right,” Lady Ursula managed to interject. She was busy talking to Mrs. Su a few feet away from them when she unintentionally heard their discussion.
“Lady Ursula,” Solene muttered.
“May I butt in?” she asked and slowly neared them. “I don’t want to intrude your mother-daughter bonding time, but I had to explain the real situation.”
“Of course, Lady Ursula. Please, you are always welcome into our conversation,” Meridith stated.
Lady Ursula directed them to a closed room near the foyer. Meridith, Solene, and her grandparents settled inside, exchanging silent stares before the old woman began whilst standing in front of the fireplace.
“Your father was right by marrying you into the Rantzen Family. You will be safe and protected. Our clan has lived for many generations as fighters, conjurers, and exorcists. We had made a name that would send fear onto those capricious souls and entities who would dare cross us. It was only twenty years ago did we start this Grim Reaper business.”
Solene and Meridith exchanged glances but remained silent.
“Granted the Spiritual Realm has existed since time immemorial, you could say these twenty years has been a juvenile attempt; sort of a practice, but know that the people we have are the best of the best. They are more than capable of protecting you against the demons and spirits that haunt you. Not to mention, Henri himself.”
Meridith grabbed her daughter’s hand and squeezed it. “But why was she attacked yesterday night, Lady Ursula?”
The one addressed released a sigh and decided to sit down on one of the single-seater sofas across them. She recalled Henri’s explanation and decided to relay this to them.
“As her birthday draws near and her powers gradually seep out of her body, high-class demons will take notice. What you experienced for the past twenty years, Solene, was all just a minute sample of what these entities can do. They were just low-class demons and measly spirits trying their luck.”
Solene’s forehead creased. Sudden fear gripped her but her mother’s hand at least gave her comfort.
“Yesterday was just the start. There will be more like that soon and that’s exactly the reason why we need to begin your training.”
“Are you ready, Sweetheart?” Meridith asked, squeezing her daughter’s hand again. “There’s no stepping back now.”
Solene nodded once and gazed at her mother as seriously as she could.
“I am ready. This is what I have prepared myself to do.”
“Good that you both understand the situation, ladies,” Lady Ursula stood up and turned towards the door. “Solene, I’ll be waiting for you in my chamber. Say your goodbyes to your family now since you won’t be able to do it tonight when they fly back to Germaine.”
Solene gave her mother and grandparents a soft smile.
“Hey Sweety, cheer up,” Gerard, her grandfather expressed from his side of the couch. “Everything is going to be alright. Go kick some ass.”
She chuckled at his rather funny attempt of a pep talk. “I will pops.” Then, she moved her attention to her mother. “Take care of AC, pops, and nana for me, mom.”
“Of course,” Meridith nodded. “We are already so proud of you. Remember that.”
“Just make sure you don’t overdo yourself, child,” Grandma Riza chimed in. “I had seen your father cast spells with the grimoire. Some were successful, some cost him strength. Make sure you know when to stop when it’s too much for you.”
“Thank you for the advice, grandma. I’ll keep that in mind,” Solene replied.
They all exchanged hugs and kisses on the cheek as their goodbyes and when this was over, Solene went to Lady Ursula’s chamber located at the other end of the family wing.
“Come in,” Lady Ursula’s muffled voice stated after Solene knocked.
After twisting the knob, she stepped inside and instantly gasped when a towering root-looking monster appeared before her. Groot from that movie Guardians of the Galaxy definitely had similarities but this one in front of her was bulkier and scarier, screaming death and destruction.