The first day of the week at work, Jules was nervous because of the boss. She didn’t want to bump into him because then she would be embarrassed of what had happened at his parents’ house, in their kitchen. Now thinking about it made her cringe.
What the heck was she thinking?!
Jules had been walking on eggshell all morning and she stuck in her office when she didn’t have anything important to do outside her office. She went through files upon files upon files… oh, and well… upon files.
She was so deep in what she was doing that afternoon she hadn’t heard Alice come in.
“Jules?” Alice called from her office door.
Jules looked up.
“You do know it’s lunch break, right?” Alice asked.
Jules scoffed.
“Of course I know that.” She said avoiding Alice’s gaze.
Silence filled the room as Jules snuck a peak at Alice and found her smiling at her.
“I’m going to pretend like you do know it’s lunch break and let you get the heck out of that chair and go get something to eat. You haven’t had anything except for your morning coffee.” Alice said.
“I’m right behind you.” Jules smiled at her.
Alice was amazing and Jules had hired her because she wasn’t afraid to say what she thought and also, she was the best.
“Like hell you are.” Alice walked out of her office knowing Jules too well.
Jules smiled and went back to the work on her desk. She just needed to complete one of the files on her desk and she’d go for lunch. Hopefully she wouldn’t forget.
Speaking of forgetting, Ceaser had honestly tried but he couldn’t forget.
The feeling Jules had ignited in him was imprinted on all the parts of his body she had touched. He had needed a release and did what he would have done on any normal day, he called some expensive call-girl but he hadn’t been able to do anything. All he could think of was Jules as he kissed her.
An… Ali… Ash… what was her name again
Ceaser tried to remember but gave up because he didn’t care.
He hadn’t been able go through with it because somehow it made him feel guilty. Like he was betraying Jules.
He knew he felt something for her, but why was it eating him alive? Anytime he got so deep into work, something or someone had to remind him of her and he’d get lost in the sound of her voice, her scent, the way she smiled, her touch, the feel of her lips on his.
During lunch break he had contemplated inviting her to lunch or going across the company where most of the workers go during lunch break. He figured Jules and her friends would be there. He took a moment to weigh his choices before he finally made up his mind, got up and left his office. He was looking for an excuse to see her and he knew lunch was almost over and she might have been be back in her office.
He got into the elevator and pushed the button to her floor. Waited until the elevator dinged open before he walked out and made his way to her office. Alice saw Ceaser as he approached.
“Good afternoon Mr. Thompson.” She greeted.
Ceaser gave a curt nod and walked past her but Alice stopped him.
“Sir, she isn’t in her office.”
Alice raised her brow at his unasked question but answered anyway.
“She just left to have lunch.”
Ceaser frowned and checked his watch.
“Just?” He asked her.
“She wanted to finish a file she had started before she went.”
Ceaser nodded and smiled at her before he left. Alice stood there shocked.
“Did he just smile?” She asked herself.
Ceaser got into the elevator and pushed the button to the ground floor.
He was left with only one option.
Jules waited for her food patiently as she typed away on her phone in response to Santos’ enraging messages. He wanted the files he had sent to her desk and she hadn’t even gotten started on them.
She had joined Andy and Sofi when they were almost done with their lunch and they waited a few minutes with her before they left a while ago with an extremely sleepy Ivy. Jules stared out of the glass wall looking out at the busy road, which in that moment seemed interesting than anything Santos had to say. She had started to get lost in her thoughts when suddenly, the chattering around her stopped. Everyone in her peripheral were looking behind her, at the entrance.
Someone important probably just walked in.
She thought as she got back to watching the road but then she had this sudden feeling in her chest that she couldn’t place.