22) Promise!

Book:Belongs To Us (sequel) Published:2024-6-3

Authors pov
Hybrids were still in denial. They refused to believe there is a possibility of something like this.
“I won’t let her die… She can’t die…”
Nicolai growled grabbing his head.
Vincent was sitting there in shock.
“We were busy hating her all these years, thinking she is living her life but she was actually dying..”
He mumbled. His heart was heavy with guilt.
“It’s all our fault… We snatched her reason to live… She wants to die because of us…”
Lucifer said as tears ide down from his eyes.
“Stop crying, she is not going to die… She can’t leave us.”
Nicolai yelled.
Vincent looked at him pleadingly.
“We can save her, right? Tell me you have solution too… Tell me we can save her…”
“Ellen has already declared our future… She saw serenity’s dead body…”
Lucifer replied with broken heart.
“She can be wrong about it…”
Nicolai said.
“She can’t die..”
He broke down.
“She can’t die… She is powerful, no one can kill her.”
Vincent pulled him in a hug.
“Please save her, Vincent… I can’t loose her now please…”
He pleaded.
“I will do anything to save her… I am ready to take any punishment she wants to give but not this… I will kill myself if she left us.”
On other hand serenity woke up due to their crying. She sat up lazily and looked outside.
She walked out while wearing Vincent’s shirt.
Her eyebrows raised as she saw their condition. All of them were crying and looking broken.
Serenity looked at them confused. Brothers didn’t say anything. They have decided not to confront her before they find solution. They are sure that she will try to stop them.
Nicolai walked towards her and tried to cup her cheek bhut she turned her head aside not letting him touch her. His heart broke into pieces.
“You think you can win against me, Kitten”
He said and she looked at him. It’s been a century that he has called her with that name.
“I never loose”
“Good for you”
She rolled her eyes and started walking away.
“Why are you doing this, serenity… We have realised our mistake… We are trying and we are ready for your punishment but don’t do this… We are your mates, you can’t hate us like that.”
Vincent argued.
Serenity smiled bitterly and looked at him.
“Who am I to punish you, My king… I have no right. I am not your mate anymore, you have refused to take me as a mate. Remember?”
“And we regret that”
He countered.
“We have suffered too.”
“You have suffered?…”
She glared at him.
“Were you wondering aimlessly to find her killer… were you trying to prove yourself innocent, screaming that you haven’t killed your own daughter… No! It was me… I was dealing with it. death! That’s what I felt when you refused to believe me, my so called mates… I was dying from heartbreak, trying to make you believe, crying because i knew that you are hating me for no reason… While you were just hating me. It’s easy to forget someone when you hate them… And made peace with it too. I don’t need men in my life who can’t even trust me… I have had enough, I don’t want deal with your problems anymore… I don’t care what you think about me.”
“We Were under spell… Someone is trying to break us apart and he succeeding… Trust me, it was a spell. We didn’t mean it”
Lucifer pleaded.
She scoffed.
“I have grown up with witches, Lucifer… No spell can control you if it’s not in your mind. You are hybrid, you have two magical blood in your body. Spell can only work on you if you let it control you… It worked, because you never trusted me.”
“We did… We trust you”
Nicolai defended.
“No, you didn’t… You never trusted me… Eliana told you, i have killed Arthur and you believed her. You believed her over your own mate… I still don’t understand why you think that i was jealous of my own daughter…”
She cried.
“She was my blood, my life… How can do that. I would have happily sacrifice my life for her and you think i can kill her? Shame on you.”
“We couldn’t think straight… We were getting complaints against you that you are killing people in the palace…”
Vincent confessed.
“All you had to do is confront me… Was it that difficult?”
She asked in disbelief.
“Mistakes happen, Sera… We accept that we were wrong… We hurt you and we deserve punishment.”
Lucifer said.
“Please forgive us… You know why it’s so hard for us trust someone”
“I wasn’t ‘someone’… I was your mate.”
She growled at him.
“Don’t tell me about your past. I have lived longer than you… I have dealt with betrayal and heartbreaks too. My grandmother has used me for her selfish needs, my sister cheated on me, the man I loved slept with my sister, she caged me in a stone for thousands of years, she tried to kill me. Still i was there with my everything to love you… And you gave me this in return… I never let my past affect our present, you did!”
She accused.
“Did you ever loved me… If you can’t trust me then you can’t love me… I no longer believe that you were in love with me.”
“We loved you… We still love you.”
Vincent stated.
“No you didn’t… You were just claiming me, like an object… Showing the world that i belong to you. That’s it!”
She said.
“That’s what you think about us…”
Nicolai frowned.
“You are our world… You are the first woman whom we loved and we still love you… You think we were enjoying this seperation. We Were living new hell everyday.”
“If it wasn’t for my mark then you wouldn’t even have remembered my name.”
She glared at him.
“You don’t even know the meaning of love, Nicolai… You just want to own me.”
“You are wrong… We love you”
Lucifer tried to make her understand.
“Give us one chance…”
“Let us prove it to you… Can’t you just forgive us for once…”
Vincent pleaded.
“We are ready to take any punishment you want to give us.”
She said and hope raise in their hearts.
“I forgive you but_”
She looked at them.
“Your punishment is, you will never come in front of me again.”
She crushed their hearts with her words.
Nicolai said and his brothers frowned at him.
“Nicolai are you out of your mind”
Vincent growled thinking he is accepting her punishment.
“Fine! If you want to stay stubborn then we know how to deal with you…”
Nicolai challenged her.
“You think you can win against us?… We are The Kings, my love… World bend in front of us… Once I deal with your shit, you won’t be able to leave my sight. This is my promise to you…”
“No matter how much you try… You can’t leave us. No one can take you away from us, not even death.”
Vincent challenged.
“You will forgive us… We will be fine… You will love us, again… I promise you!”
Lucifer said.
Serenity wiped her angry tears and walked away.
Lucifer was about to follow her but Vincent stopped him when he saw Ellen.
“We need to find way out… Talk to your friend. She might help us.”
He said.
“My King”
Ellen greeted Vincent and Nicolai and they nodded at her.
“You still see the same future of us”
Vincent questioned and she nodded sadly.
“Yes My King… I see her dead___”
“Stop right there”
Nicolai growled at her.
“Forgive me, My king…”
Ellen looked at him sadly.
“But we can try… Future can be changed. depends on you, how you want it to be.”
“You mean you have solution”
Lucifer asked eagerly.
“No i don’t”
She shook her head.
“You have it”