“I appreciate it, my King, I just wish you will have a long life and bring this country to victory!”
“I know, you are loyal to me. I will look after you well.” The King says, then whispers to his ears, “About Jun, how is him now?”
“He gets sick for a few days, I don’t think he will pass this time through, if he is tough, maybe… he can survive a few more months, and that’s it,”
The King sighs, “My poor brother…” He used to sigh like today a long time ago when his father was alive. He wanted to save him but he couldn’t. After all those years, he is not happy, even though his plans go well every time.
“Don’t worry, my King, it’s his fate.” The mage comforts.
“I will take care of him good, you know how good he is before. I like my brother a lot…”
“My King, he is a tough one, don’t worry that much.”
“Fine, you may leave.” The King takes another red pill then rests on his chair.
The mage steps out, then grins in a bad way…
For a few days, Sung doesn’t show up on the morning routine, Zack worries about him a lot. He comes to his place for a visit with General Yuan, Rain’s elder brother. Rain sees them coming, walking out to welcome. She looks fine, though Sung doesn’t sleep with her every night. They may have some small conversations sometimes.
“The Majesty is in his room, you guys wait here, I will ask someone to get him.” Rain says, smiling at them. Yuan nods happily, at least he knows his sister is fine.
Zack doesn’t feel good after he sees Rain, that place should belong to Wendy. She should be here to welcome them, but he erased that chance from her… Sung walks out after a while, with white clothes, he seems not sleeping well. Seeing Zack, his eyes gleaming with hatred. It’s only for an instant, so no one notices. He could understand him sometimes after he heard Zack tried to suicide after he knew the truth. They are brothers indeed, bounded with blood.
“Majesty! General Yuan welcomes you!” Yuans takes a bow.
“No need, General, have a seat please.” Turning to Zack, “Why are you here today?”
Zack avoids his eyes, feeling guilty, “I, I came here for an apology, I have checked you have nothing to do with Charlie, so I’m sorry, Sung. Please forgive me.” Sung sighs, “That’s fine.”
“You doesn’t look well, did you get good sleep recently?” Zack asks.
“No, Wendy is still missing, I worry about her…” Says Sung. The maid brings the tea for them, they sip their teas, doesn’t look at each other. Yuan hears of Wendy before, he speaks his mind, “Majesty, please take care of yourself. Don’t waste your time on pointless thing.”
“Pointless?! For you may be, not for me!” Sung raises his voice all of a sudden. Yuan doesn’t like his temper at all, but he remains quiet outwardly, he knows her story before, she cures Zoe and the King, but he doesn’t realize Sung loves her that much.