Techna’s Pov
The hit on the wall made me jump out of my chair and Xavier yelped. I turned around and saw that everyone had turned into the direction of the person that hit the wall. I also turned into the direction and I froze.
OMG. This isn’t how this was meant to go.
Why did everything just always go bad for me. Firstly, I lost my best friend, I screwed the man I disliked, I got pregnant for him. And now he knows.
Damn! I guess I said that aloud because blue eyes met my gaze.
I gasped looking into those blues eyes. Even with his hair messy, knuckles bruised, stern face, he was still breathtaking. I guess he was more hot when his hair was messy… snap out of it, Tech.
“Ty…” I didn’t know how to explain this to him. I am sure he is both mad that I was carrying his child, and that I didn’t tell him I was pregnant.
Xavier tugged at my arm. “Techna, I have to go and you better settle things with Tyler.” Xavier smiled and stood up, then he faced a Tyler. “We still have to talk, Tyler Moner. You slept with my baby sister.” He pointed his finger at Tyler.
“Xavier.” I called holding his arm.
He sighed and nodded at Ty. “Do something about it, man. McDonald’s tomorrow, eight o’clock.” He faced me and kissed my forehead. “Goodbye Techna.” Then he was off.
I felt hands wrap around my waist pulling me outside. “Let me go, Ty!” I struggled to get out of his grip, but I couldn’t get out of it. “Where are you taking me to?” I asked as we got out of the restaurant.
“Just stay put, Tech. Do you want people to think I am kidnapping you?” He glared at me and I glared back.
“That’s exactly what you are doing, man.” I yelped when he carried me up. “Tyler!”
He sighed and looked up at me. “We need to talk, Techna.” He looked down at my belly, then back to my face.” You have a lot of explaining to do, you know?”
“Drop me and tell me where you are taking me to.” I said and hit his shoulder slightly.
“That hurt, and to answer your question, we are going to my house.” He said.
“How do you expect us to get to your while you carry me? Or did you bring your car?”
“My house is just around the corner, the next estate. We are almost there actually.”
We fell into a comfortable silence until we got to his house. He opened the door and closed it before dropping me on chair.
I was now on the couch facing Ty, who had his back facing me, his arms crossed. “It wasn’t my fault that you got my egg fertilized, so don’t you dare try to put the blame on me?!” I said before he could speak.
“Because I don’t want a baby now… babies… three babies, Techna. Not to mention babies with you. I don’t want you carrying my babies. ”
I felt kind of hurt by what he said, but I didn’t want it to show. “I get that, but we are both at fault. You didn’t use a condom, I wasn’t on the pills, so you can’t be blaming me, only.”
“I know that we are both at fault and I don’t want to accept the fact that I will be having babies soon.” He punched the wall this time. I shuddered, and ran to meet him. “Tyler stop hurting yourself, I am sorry about the whole situation.”
“Do you even care? I doubt it.” He glared at me before removing his hand from my grip. That was the the question. Did I care?
I thought about it. Times at the office, even after he yells at me, we will still make jokes and laugh at the end of the day. That Saturday he came to my house, I still allowed him in and made him food, though he came to review papers with me. We watched a movie together, even though I claimed to still disliked him.
That was it… I cared for him no matter what. Jeez, I wasn’t heartless, even when Tyler acts like a bipolar person sometimes. Yelling now, flirting later, laughing later, then yelling again.
I cared about him even after all wrong things he had done to me, that was for sure. And I am also sure that I have no sexual or any time of feelings for him, now that I have thought about it. The thing is that…
I was getting attracted to him already… and that was bad, really bad.
I grabbed his hand again and looked at him. ” I care about you, Tyler.” Tyler gazed up at me with wide eyes, his blue eyes darkening. “I mean it, even if it’s just a little.”
He looked away trying to remove his hand from mine, I held it firmly. “Now where is your first aid box?”
Ty groaned and muttered something. “My hand is fine, don’t worry about it. Just forget it, it’s just bruises.”
“Tell me were the box is.”
“Fine. Feisty much, are we?” He looked somewhere to the left. I followed his gaze and saw the box lying under the dining table. I took it and went back to meet him.
I took a cotton wool and dipped it inside a bowl of water, before cleaning his bruised knuckles and later damping it with spirit. I felt him dig his nails on my wrist.
“Ouch! Could you at least… ouch… damp it a… ouch… little softer… ouch!” He is such a man. “I know you are doing this hard on purpose.”
I rolled my eyes “You know me very well then.” I did the remaining bandaging and let his hand go. “All done.” I looked at him and saw him looking at me. “What?”
He turned away… was that a blush? Tyler Moner was embarrassed? “Nothing.” He grunted.
“Were you embarrassed?” I couldn’t help but laugh when he muttered a curse.
“Shut up. I wasn’t.” He moved away from me a little and I raised a brow “Tyler…”
He raised his hand to stop me from talking. “Thank you for treating my hand, Tech…” He hesitated “But I am still not happy with you.”
I raised both brows, completely shocked. “Tyler, you can’t tell me you are still mad at the fact that I am pregnant due to both of us being careless?”
He looked at me. “Right now, I need time to think okay? I wasn’t prepared for this, and I ain’t ready for this. You have to give me time. Back at work, we act professionally, that’s how it should always have been. We keep personal things away from work, alright?”
I sighed and looked back up at Tyler who now had his hands on his face. “If you are worried about still getting them chick, don’t worry. They will still come after you even if you have a baby mama.”
“That’s not even what I am worried about for pete’s sake. Can you please leave, I need some time to myself. My driver will take you home.”
I frowned, but nodded anyway. “Goodnight.” With that I opened the door and left.
The week went in a blur and the office quite than normal. I left my apartment after eating only two egg toasts and half a glass of milk. I knew I had to eat more than that and it wasn’t healthy for me and my babies, but I lost my appetite because I felt sad that Tyler shut me out even after I told him I cared about him a little. He just threw that away, and now I was going to have to see him at the office in less than five minutes.
I dropped my phone on the table after checking through to see if I had any message from Mac. She was gone way to long. I wonder why Trevor Moner decided they had to go for a three weeks business trip and he made strict orders not to make phone calls and text too. He and his brother act alike. I grabbed my phone again and started scrolling through Instagram, then I later went to my twitter.
And speaking of the devil… Tyler entered, his hair messy for a early morning, his tie loosened a bit, maybe he had gotten some before he came to work. I had caught him and a lady I hadn’t seen before, making out in the elevator one monday.
“Morning.” I heard him say casually. He was acting like nothing happened yesterday evening. I met his gaze, and held it for a while before looking away without replying him.
“Techna you…” I raised my hand indicating him to stop talking.
“It’s Miss Winters to you.”
I heard him sigh before he entered his office. Wasn’t he the one that said he needed space? I breathed a sigh of relief before turning back to my phone.
Work today wasn’t busy like other days when Tyler would give me work and send me on errands all day. I am sure he was making sure not to talk to me, and that was great since I wasn’t in the mood to see his pretty face and talk to him either.
“Hi Techna. What’s up?” I looked up at Jake and shrugged, giving him a smile.
“Nothing much, I haven’t had much work and errands to do today.” I said and Jake sat next to me, after pulling a chair from the corner of the room.
“It’s unusual for Mr Moner to be less workaholic, you know.” He said in confusion, frowning his brows. He kind of looked like Tyler when he did that, or was it my eyes messing with me?
“I guess. He probably wants to take a break.” I shrugged again and giggled when Jake tickled me.
“You know, I should take you on a date this night, Techna.” A date? “Yes, a date.” He said like he read my thoughts.
“Since we decided to just go on one date, let’s try.” I smiled and nodded without hesitation.
“Sorry to interrupt you guys, but I need to talk to you, Miss Winters.” I heard a too familiar voice say. I stood up to face the intruder, glaring at him.
“What do you want Mr Moner?” I kept my hands on my hips and looked over at Jake who was smiling at me.
“You will need to excuse us, Mr Jones.” Tyler said to Jake calmly.. What the hell happened to Tyler?
“Fine.” Jake gave me a peck on the cheek and left.
“Sit, Techna.” He suggested not an order like he is used to giving. I sat on the couch and Tyler joined me. He cleared his throat and faced me. “Hmm. I was being a jerk last week and I did some thinking,”
“It’s a good thing you know.” I rolled my eyes and smirked. “So?”
“I guess I am sorry, it wasn’t all your fault, I admit.”
“What are you planning on doing now about the situation? I am sure you talked to Xavier.” I said taking my gaze from him and he chuckled.
“Yeah. But my decision about what will happen now as nothing to do with your brother, it’s what I think is the best for now.” He said a little bit nervous.” So as part of the support for being the baby daddy, I will be giving you money every month to take care of… you know.”
“I don’t need your money, Moner.” I said, though I needed it.
“Oh you do, and…” He paused and I looked at him. He seemed unsure of whether to talk or not.
“And what?” I asked.
He met my gaze, and what he said next caught me pretty off guard. “You are going to start living with me.”