The All-Star Championship drew to a successful close on Monday afternoon.
At the moment Susan didn’t stay in the lounge, but stood alone outside the hall instead.
Behind her, the audience began leaving the hall, and she found that the silence of Shanghai was succeeded by a babel of voices gradually, making her can’t help to size up this lively city.
The phone in her pocket started a non-stop vibration.
Susan answered the call and could hear a great tumult in the hall from the other end of the call.
Edward called her right after he finished the official interview. “Where’re you?”
“I’m outside. What happened?”
“We’re waiting for you in the lounge.”
Why wait? Susan had no idea about it, heaving a sigh, “It was quite a nice day in Shanghai today.”
Edward gave a look to the three persons standing in front of him, then a smile spread across his face uncontrollably, he reminded her, “Don’t you want to conduct the interview you’ve appointed today?”
“!!!” Susan took a deep breath, “I… I forget…”
She glanced at the time shown on her phone; she was about ten minutes late already, “I’ll be right there!”
She dashed off as her leisure mood to enjoy the comings and goings of the people was swept away at all.
“I’m sorry… I’m late.” Susan’s cheeks suffused with blushes, panting heavily.
A paper cup with warm water was handed to Susan.
Susan took it, “Thank you, Leo.”
After gulping the water down, she glanced up and saw Leo standing opposite her with a freaky smile on his face.
“Ough…” Susan choked.
“Drink slowly,” Edward told her.
Susan’s three colleagues were in the lounge as well; they stood aside and looked at her with the glint of chilling, malevolent eyes.
“Alright, since everyone is here, let’s get started,” Leo broke the mysterious silence in the lounge.
“Okay, everyone please get ready.” The director looked cheerful, examining the equipment with the other two.
Amina passed Susan a notebook, there were a number of questions for this interview listed in it.
Susan frowned as she leafed through the notebook.
‘Night, what do you think of the game?’
‘Night, why didn’t you pick your famous hero during the match?’
‘Night, what’s your plan for next season?’
‘Can you explain the meaning of your national ID, NekoNight that you have used for years?’
All these questions were aiming at Edward only, but the guests for this interview were two professional players from Team DBG, OK?!
The crux of the matter was that there was a question about Edward’s national ID; she knew that Edward would not explain it before, but she couldn’t say for certain at the moment. Besides, all these questions were asked by her, what if Edward…
“OK, let’s start,” The director shouted.
Susan felt that the notebook in her hands was a hot potato, whether or not she followed the script to ask these questions, she was as good as dead.
So should she ask or shouldn’t?
Susan returned the notebook to Amina. Amina goggled at her, being surprised that she was able to memorize these questions after reading once.
Susan clutched the microphone, standing in front of the cameras. “I’m very glad to have an interview session with the players from Team DBG here. Can you two introduce yourselves to us?”
Edward said, “Hello everyone, I’m APC of DayBreak, Night.”
Lonely said, “Nice to meet you. I’m Lonely and my position in DBG is top.”
Susan said, “First of all, thank you both for accepting our interview, so how do you feel about your participation in the All-Star Championship?”
Edward said, “I really like the atmosphere of All-Star, everyone here has enjoyed themselves in the games and I’m also thankful that my fans have supported me to take part in this All-Star.”
Lonely said, “Me too. I appreciate all the support my fans gave me. Because of them, I can only tell my other three weak teammates, ‘We’re like chalk and cheese.’