“Gia!” Ira calls her name with concern an indignant glare sent forward to meet her male. She does not approve of what he did. She rushes behind Gianna and Gio looks exhausted.
“I apologize for the scene, Zia. I must handle this, please enjoy your meal. We will return soon.” He drives his fingers up his hair with frustration and follows briskly behind his female and sister.
“What has happened?” Deimos questions from behind me with uncertainty.
“Gia was playing with fireworks by herself without an adult and Kal was with her.” I sigh turning around to regard him as he worriedly inspects Kal looking for injuries just like I did.
“Deimos I think I should help them, they are young I can advise them,” I say faintly gazing into the house.
“Here, give him to me.” Deimos considerately takes Kal from my arms as he nestles into his father’s warmth disconcerted with the tension he sensed. My male plants a delicate kiss on my head with encouragement. “Go, help them.”
I rapidly enter the house hunting for the trio only to hear a resounding argument between Giovanni and Ira. I follow the source and their loudness leads me to the living room.
“Did you have to do that? Why must you always correct her this way?” Ira furiously questions an agitated Gio who paces around the room.
“You know why, Ira. She always puts herself in the midst of danger deliberately!”
“That is because you do not set her free. She is not allowed to roam these lands, she is not allowed to train with the other pups. All she has ever known is this godforsaken house.”
“I am doing this to protect her.” He counterattacks her truth with his own.
“No, you are caging her. There is a difference. She merely played with sparklers, she handled herself well. She brought no harm to herself or Kal yet you must punish her in front of everyone.”
“She must understand what she is doing is wrong, until then she will be punished.”
“Y-You are being too stern with her Gio. She is six! Be lenient with her, make her understand.”
“Do not tell me how to raise my sister. I am responsible for her, you know nothing of the six years I raised her with blood, sweat and tears!” He yells at her with a fierceness as she flinches to the sudden rise in his voice, her lower lip quivers and she begins to weep bitterly tears gushing down her cheeks.
His eyes broaden as he witnesses this and he looks away, his face contorted with turmoil whilst his chest heaves for he is attempting to control his anger. “Cazzo! Non puoi capirmi, vero!” He barks and storms out the house as a measure to calm himself as Ira sinks into the sofa blanketing her palms over her eyes crying inaudibly.
*(Fuck! You can’t understand me, can you!)*
With a feeble sign of understanding towards these young wolves, I trudge towards the weeping female. “Ira,” I call her name softly as she winces and swiftly rises rubbing her tears away to receive me.
“Zia Lumina. Yes, can I help you with something?” She asks her red swollen eyes meeting mine meekly.
“Come let us talk outside,” I murmur with a courteous smile whilst I lead her away from the house back to the gathering.
I take a seat beneath a tree and so does she by my side. “It is not easy, is it? Your bond with him?” I question smiling at her.
She swallows and looks down playing with her fingers planted upon her lap. “You witnessed our fight?”
“I apologize, I did not mean to intrude I just came to help out.”
“Thank you for your kindness.” She whispers. “It is hard to understand him, he often speaks of the death of his parents and how it affected him and Gianna. I want to help him, to heal his wounds. But how can I if he would never let me in?”
I chuckle as she looks at me baffled with curiosity about the cause. “Deimos and I, we were the same as you both. Always drowning in conflict and drama.”
Her eyes broaden to my truth. “Truly? But you are in such a loving relationship. I did not suspect it.”
“It took six years for me to conceive Kal. It was an endless tug of war between us, it drained both of us equally. I wouldn’t understand him and vice versa. You see he had lost his parents too at a young age, he possessed these high walls which seemed too high for me to climb.” I tell her my story as I watch my male patiently teaching Kal how to kick the ball and pass it to his teammates.
“Six years?” She asks in surprise.
“Indeed. I wanted a pup, he did not for he feared how the tradition of his pack which he was bound by would annihilate our bond. He was in constant unease when it came to us. Never knew the meaning of love or what it meant to love either. But at the end of it all, I did it.”
“Did what?”
“I dusted my hands and I climbed those walls. And do you know what I witnessed that he hid within?”
“His heart? His soul?” She inquires with eagerness.
“No. I saw a pup. Caged by his fears, loneliness and insecurities. So I carried that pup with me and*I loved him*.” Her globes widen in awe of my words, she finds them to be beautiful.
“It is hard.” She whines placing a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, biting into her lower lip with nervousness.
“I never said it wasn’t. All you need to do is find that pup, Ira. Set him free for only you can do that.” I mutter patting her head gently to ease her uneasiness.
“Ira!” Giovanni’s unexpected voice startles both of us. “Come.” He commands looking down at her with solemn stern eyes giving her his hand to take.
“No, I do not want to.” She bares her teeth at him for she is still unsettled with their quarrel.
“I will not ask you again, amore della mia vita.” He narrows his eyes but she still protests her displeasure with him sizzling and raw. He merely grips her wrist and hauls her up forcefully steering her to the other side of the field her struggles futile against his overpowering strength.
*(Love of my life)*
Goddess, he must be a bit more gentle with her. This male needs to be taught a lesson. As I rise to abide by that thought, Deimos is quick to cage me by my waist drawing me to his chest.
“Leave them be, my female. Do not involve yourself with their arguments.” He whispers in my ear with a soft nip to my earlobe. He sways us slowly in tune with the song that plays in the background.
“Did you see the way he took her? He must not handle her that way, Deimos. It is wrong.”
“I saw. They are young, Lumina. He will learn as I did. She will teach him and you going there is only going to kill their fire.”
I frown with trouble at his words. “What do you mean?”
“Look.” He says as I turn my attention back to the two wolves.
Ira ballistically points at his chest and he slaps it away as though warning her not to do that again. Yet she does not pay heed to his notice palms pushing at his chest with hysteria and annoyance.
Gio’s nose flares with his temper at her words his gestures grow fiercer towards her. She halts, her chest heaving whilst her palm is raised to strike his right cheek, the sound of it penetrating through the music.
The enraged wolf clenches his jaw peering down at her holding in his emotions, both glower at the other with their own demons. Without another word he seizes her harshly by her jaw towing her to him to devour her mouth with a fervent vigorousness. She resists him with every bit of strength she possesses within but I know very well she cannot oppose his flesh for that is the cruel seduction of the mate bond.
His palm grips the back of her neck angling her face in a way he can taste more of her with a brutal savageness. Gio stoops to pick her up from beneath her thighs as she coils her legs around his waist, both ravishing each other’s lips heatedly as he carries her inside the solitude of their house.
“Oh my.” I look away from them giving them their privacy my cheeks burning to the ardent scene I witnessed.
“What can I say, the Italians tend to be quite passionate. Remember how I told you he would get used to it when he found his female?” Deimos asks recalling the day we were this intense when we fought by a tree after training and Gio witnessed our lust.
“Oh, I remember.” I chuckle shifting in his arms glimpsing up at his devoted bright emeralds as he regards me, my hands around his neck his limbs around my waist we dance slowly to the music.
“Would you like a taste of that passion tonight?” He smirks leaning down to whisper feverishly in my ear.
“I feel we are too old for that kind of a nighttime.” I giggle.
“Nonsense, we will never be too old for that. I told you didn’t I, that I shall never have enough of you.”
“Of course and that exact statement is what made this little one waiting to see the world.” I chortle pointing at my enlarged belly. This was what a few nights of undivided crazed passion beneath a thunderstorm brought forth.
He smiles fondly at our pup in my belly his palms raised to settle over the surface to cradle it. “I seem to be losing patience to hold the little one. But I keep telling myself soon.”
“Soon, what?”
“Soon, we shall be *a family of four.*”