Mercedes rose and I gasped when I saw his bulge. He freed his huge member from his boxers, spread my legs apart and came in between them. He buried his head deep into my crotch, his tongue running all over and into the hidden parts of me. I gave a soft scream. The sensation I felt tore my soul apart.
I threw my head back and my sight fell to the sky-bound ceiling. The beautiful golden chandelier lighting up the room giving it an ethereal appearance now seemingly blurry in my sight. Whatever this feeling was, I was aching for more.
But he withdrew too quickly and inserted a finger into my moist vagina, thrusting it in and out carefully. I clutched to the sheets tightly, rolling my waist. I didn’t know I was already begging him for more.
“Yeah? You like what I’m doing to you? You want more, coochie?”
I nodded frantically, disregarding the name he had chosen to call me twice already within that hour.
“Then, let me give it to you!” He said as he plunged the middle finger more deeply into me, shaking it in a circular movement as he thrusted harder while rubbing my clit at same time with his thumb.
I started making some sweet noises, some sensations started gathering up in my stomach and I started vibrating.
I felt light as air, taken to heights I had never before experienced. I was falling into an abyss, and yet I never wanted to come back down. I wanted nothing more than this moment to continue.
And suddenly, he stopped, pulling out his finger.
“Oh no! Don’t stop.. I want this.. I want you” I was saying gibberish, not realizing who I was sounding like.
The invitation worked, and he laid on me with his full tall length, I felt pretty small under him and so was I scared when I felt his massive cock pulsating on my skin. I grabbed it in my hands and the girth was wider than my little hand. I gave it few strokes, caressing it all along the shaft and he groaned. My legs spread wider, and I tried to experiment fixing his penis in my vagina but I couldn’t.
“Oh wait” He simply said while taking his rock hard member from my hands. Slowly, he pushed the tip of his cock into the opening of my silky wet pussy, the wetness sucked it in. He inched his way into me, gradually pushing in more. I moaned as inch after inch buried into me. My moaning grew louder as I felt the warm throbbing of his cock hitting my walls.
I screamed in sweet pain as he plunged his entire shaft into me, gasping for air. Yet, I wanted it more. He moved in slow thrusts and in few seconds more increased the pace. I wrapped my legs around his muscular back, and he moved so sweetly, so good that I didn’t want it to end.
The room was silent, only broken by a soft blanket of sighs and moans. The creaking of the bed.
The sound of his grunts from the exertion of his efforts, and my incoherent moans and cries of pleasure filled the room. I could smell my sweet juices on his cock.
His eyes were closed and voice was thick, he was breathing hard and his chest was heaving. His entire body was filled with rivulets of sweat, and his face was contorted in a mask of pleasure.
I was screaming “Harder… Harder..” and he went just harder and harder till I felt a storm rising within me coming to explode.
My toes curled and my eyes were rolling and then suddenly closed shut. My lips were in a smile, but I wasn’t smiling. No words could come out of my mouth but series of gasps. I tried to shut it, but instead my tongue pushed my lower lip out, resting in between my teeth.
The sounds I made were unrecognizable, even to me, low moans pushed from my throat, becoming high pitched and rhythmic chirps and cries.
And he just kept on digging and pumping me. I was vibrating, senses eluded me. I felt like I was in the clouds. He was panting and groaning, I was gasping, screaming, moaning and shaking.
As he slid in and out, I could feel the air between us moving.
“Fuck! I’m coming” He announced loudly. I matched his announcement with my scream as well.
Then he stopped, fell on me, and then rolled aside panting.
We lay there in post-coital bliss for some minutes,
my body felt like jelly and I had some mixed feelings.
“Was it good, baby?” He asked.
I could only smile in response and I nodded, with the thoughts in my mind that he truly fulfilled his words
“A place where I take you to places you’ve never been before”
He slowly rolled to my side, kissed my forehead, before he got off the bed and said:
“I’ll be back soon”.
Weeks passed, and the memory of that night erased totally in my mind.
I only remembered the next day at my arrival back to the hostel, I was down with some fever and all my body ached. Anika blamed it on too much alcohol I had but I was fine by the following day.
Anika asked me about the memories every day after feeding me with stories of how she enjoyed the night that day. But what was funny was she didn’t mention Mike doing anything to her. It still felt like a distant dream one always try hard to remember. Slowly I started to lose mind on my curiosity to really find out.
He never came back again – at least not to me personally – no matter how often or desperately I wished for this gorgeous man I met to return.
And yet somehow within my heart lay an untouchable corner where the memory of his calmness, politeness and the immaculate air of grandeur that followed him when he came to me with his friend in the club… his memory remained undisturbed; pristine as before so many weeks ago when we had shared the moment of introductions, dances, drinks, more drinks and… I couldn’t remember more.
One unbearably hot afternoon, I staggered through the school gates. The heat was oppressive, feeling like a furnace against my honey-golden skin. The blazing sun had heated the earth with such intensity that it caused the air to shimmer with energy.
In the distance, thunder rumbled, deep and foreboding. With a splitting headache that soured my stomach and left me feeling clammy and sick, I nearly stumbled into a classroom on my way back to the hostel when I felt a wave of nausea overtake me, and I stopped and leaned against a wall before doubling over and vomiting. Many of my classmates hurried over to help me — they had become used to such scenes by now. They helped me up to the clinic where the nurse gave me a quick examination and said,
“You’re going to have a baby.”
My body went cold, tremors of shock and fear swept through me and my mind flashed through a million thoughts. I battled with myself as I thought about telling my parents and how much ridicule I would suffer from my classmates and peers both in school, home, and even in church.
When my classmates who dared me into going to the club heard this, they let out a collective gasp of shock. Anika came as quickly as she heard I wasn’t feeling fine. She was furious when she saw that I was pregnant, and started blaming me for having sex with someone whom I did not even know, because I kept telling her “I do not know” each time she asked me how it happened. And she kept asking. Tears streaming down my face, I managed to stammer out in desperation,
“I swear, it isn’t what you think!”
That night, Anika told me she knew I wouldn’t have done that voluntarily. She told me to open up to her and tell her who impregnated me and how it all happened.
I sat right in front of her, fresh streams of tears cascading down my face, crying harder. I was devastated to think that my best friend didn’t believe me when I told her I didn’t know how it happened and that I had never had sex with anyone.
My heart shattered in a million pieces. It was so hard to believe that a situation like this could have occurred. I felt so alone, betrayed by my own body for what it had done without my consent or knowledge.
With a disturbed and pitiable look, she gave me a hug and told me to stop crying. She promised me it would all be fine.
Then she gave a tissue and asked me to tell her how it happened. At first, I could not find the words to explain what could have happened but eventually, after much brainstorming with her, I managed to recount the events of that night with Mercedes:
“It began when Mike and his friend Mercedes approached us at the club you dared me to go in. Then later when we were dancing and you and Mike had gone off the scene, I remembered I felt like swooning after he told me he wanted me”
“He told you that?” Anika seemed alarmed.
I nodded affirmatively.
It was like I felt so dizzy, I almost fell twice.
I can’t remember the rest of the things he told me after we returned to the table full of drinks.
“Wait! We left no drinks there when we left. So who arranged those drinks you spoke of there?”
She continued when I kept looking on blankly, and confused.
“Or did you or Mercedes request for new drinks at that point”
“No” I dragged the words, full of thoughts running in my head.
Anika jumped on her feet suddenly and dramatically,
“That’s it, Jennifer! You’ve been drugged and raped!”
“What!” I exclaimed.
“Its why you can’t remember what exactly happened.” placing both hands on her head.
“Oh no! This can’t be happening to me. It better not be” I wished I was dreaming.
“I’m so sorry, Jennifer.” Anika now looked so scared. I could see guilt running all over her face.
“I just remember things got hazy…. I felt groggy after several drinks and he carried me out of the lounge, only to wake up later on in an unfamiliar place feeling disoriented and violated… I’m not sure if anything actually happened but here I am now pregnant.”
Anika held my hand tightly while tears welled up in her eyes. She said nothing. In that moment, all the anger she had previously shown towards me dissipated; replaced instead by unbounded sadness and guilt. She broke down in tears, and hugged me tightly while I was heaving with sobs. We stayed like this for what felt like hours until eventually Anika broke the silence saying,
“We will figure out a way together”.